Foundations Health Program


Discover The Tools You Need To Achieve Optimal Health No Matter Where You Are On Your Health Journey!

The Foundations Health Program is designed to help you learn how to take control of your health and feel your best. 
We will walk through this journey, step by step, together and eliminate all the confusion around how to live healthy and thrive.

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?


Maybe you just want more energy, or maybe you deal with digestive issues (bloating, constipation etc). Or maybe you know you need to lose weight but want to get to the root of your weight issues. 

Whatever your reason is for getting healthier, focusing on gut healing is the way to go as nearly all disease begins in the gut. Yes, even skin issues.  This is a vital step for better health and prevention of disease. We have found that people have a hard time healing due to the overload of toxins in their body. 

Our body is like a bucket…. Over time our bodies get filled up with more and more toxins. The symptoms start subtle and are minor until eventually, that bucket overflows into either autoimmune disease or cancer. 

To overcome your symptoms for good and sustain long-term wellness, you must positively change your internal environment — the “terrain” of your body. That’s what I’m here to help you with.



Imagine waking up with a surge of energy, ready to conquer the day. Visualize your sleepless nights turning into restful slumbers. Picture your skin regaining its youthful glow, your digestion becoming smooth and regular. And that's just the beginning!



This course will guide you to better health by tackling the root cause of your troubles, rather than just treating the symptoms.

With the foundations health program, my clients have experienced:

  • More energy: Say goodbye to exhaustion and hello to vitality!
  • Better sleep: Rest easy and wake up refreshed.
  • Weight loss: Achieve your healthiest self.
  • Anxiety relief: Breathe easier, live freer.
  • Psoriasis and Eczema relief: Restore the health of your skin.
  • Allergies and pain relief: Live comfortably, as you should.
  • Better mood: Find joy in every moment.
  • Increased libido: Rekindle the spark within.
  • Facial rash and bloating eradicated: Embrace a healthier you.
  • No more diarrhea or constipation: Enjoy smooth digestion.
  • Ovarian Cysts Gone: Regain your peace of mind.
  • Hysterectomy Cancelled: Empower your body to heal itself.
  • Glowing Skin: Shine from the inside out.

Here's what you'll learn

Inside The Foundations Health Program

Module 1

Focusing on Foundations

This introductory module provides an essential foundation for understanding parasites. You'll learn about what parasites are, how they enter our bodies, and the common symptoms associated with a parasite infection. The module also explains how parasites impact our immune system, giving you a holistic view of their role within our bodies. With this knowledge, you'll begin to understand the root cause of many health issues you may have been facing.

Module 2

Importance of Opening Drainage Pathways


In Module 2, we delve into the critical aspect of drainage pathways – channels through which toxins leave our bodies. You will understand what they are, why they are crucial, and how to support their optimal functioning. This module introduces you to the first month's protocol, focused on opening drainage pathways, helping your body get ready for the next steps of the healing process.

Module 3

Address Hidden Infections & Toxins


Now that you're equipped with the foundational understanding and your drainage pathways are primed, we're ready to tackle the parasites head-on. This module presents a detailed guide for the second and third months, designed to effectively combat parasites. It includes suggestions for anti-parasitic foods and dietary changes that will supplement your healing journey. You'll also learn about the required duration for effective parasite elimination, helping set clear expectations for the process.

Module 4

How to Keep Parasites from Coming Back So Easily


Once the parasites are gone, the next challenge is to keep them away. Module 4 equips you with knowledge and strategies to prevent future parasite infections. Here, we explore the link between stress, stomach acid, and parasite recurrences. You'll also learn how toxins contribute to parasite re-infection, and how managing these factors can help maintain your newfound health.

Module 5

Why These Foundational Tools are a MUST


In the final module, we return to the basics – focusing on fundamental lifestyle factors that play a crucial role in overall health and parasite prevention. You'll learn about the importance of good nutrition, quality sleep, clean water, and a non-toxic lifestyle as much as possible. These foundational tools are crucial in establishing a long-term, sustainable environment where your body can continue to thrive, free from the impacts of parasites.

Each module in The Foundations Health Program offers a unique perspective in understanding and supporting your body while combating parasites, toxins, and hidden inections. The step-by-step approach ensures that you not only eliminate these but also create an environment where they can't easily return. By the end of this course, you'll have the knowledge, tools, and confidence to reclaim and maintain your health.



Most people don’t know how good their body was designed to feel!

Maybe you just want more energy, or maybe you deal with digestive issues (bloating, constipation etc). Or maybe you know you need to lose weight but want to get to the root of your weight issues. 

Whatever your reason is for getting healthier, focusing on parasite killing and gut healing is the way to go as nearly all disease begins in the gut. Yes, even skin issues.  This is a vital step for better health and prevention of disease. We have found that people have a hard time healing due to the overload of toxins in their body. 

Our body is like a bucket…. Over time our bodies get filled up with more and more toxins. The symptoms start subtle and are minor until eventually, that bucket overflows into either autoimmune disease or cancer. 

To overcome your symptoms for good and sustain long-term wellness, you must positively change your internal environment — the “terrain” of your body. That’s what I’m here to help you with. In this course, you won’t just kill parasites; you’ll also be learning FOUNDATIONAL health tools that will help you the rest of your life.

Why you can NO LONGER AFFORD to miss out on this program!

  • Our overall wellbeing is either declining or improving. We invest money in so many areas of our lives, but hesitate when it comes to health. Investing in your health is a MUST if you want to live a long, vibrant life! Everything is super important until you’re sick. Then you realize there was only ever one thing that was important: your health.
  • The time is now, there is no time like the present! We all have the same amount of time and spend it intentionally or unintentionally. Make the DECISION to sacrifice today, to have a better tomorrow.
  • This is not just another fad diet. It’s a foundation for your health to continue to build on the rest of your life. I believe every single person in the world needs to do this.
  • We’ve done all the research and heavy lifting for you! I’ve spent years educating myself and putting together a detailed roadmap to optimal health. This program is the first 90 days of that roadmap.
Ready to achieve your goal? Choose the best option for you:



The Foundations Health Program PLUS

  • Go at your own pace course teaching you everything you need to know about addressing parasites for your whole family
  • Parasite protocol that you can use forever
  • Supplement Tracker to keep you on track during protocol
  • PDFs for each month’s protocol
  • Education on how to keep parasites away after you get rid of the parasite infection
  • Video on Foundational tools that EVERYONE needs to stay healthy in this world today
  • You will get access to one module a week to truly absorb the education as you go.
  • Lifetime access to the course
  • Discount on high quality supplements
  • Links to my recommended nontoxic products
  • 3 months of LIVE Q&A group calls with Kristen (2 per month)
  • Access to our private community where you get support from 2 practitioners and get all your questions answered in the forum as you walk through the protocol. 
  • My previous clients have LOVED having the accountability from the community & the live calls along with doing the protocol alongside other people helped them stay on track.


*Plus cost of supplements (approx $225-$400 a month for 3 months)


Go VIP for $3997


The Foundations Health Program Plus VIP

Pay in Full includes functional medicine lab fees.

You can join our VIP program for just 3 monthly payments of $1467 or pay in full and save and you’ll get:

  • This is for you if you want to truly find out what’s going on in YOUR body from a functional medicine perspective (root cause lens). 
  • Extensive Bloodwork AND Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test (includes price of both labs) This amount of bloodwork from a doctors office would cost approx. $800-$1000 with NO explanation of your results from a root cause perspective.
  • You also get….Everything in The Foundations Health Program! Plus…
  • 2 Live Q&A Group calls per month for 3 months to get all your questions answered
  • 3 months of support from functional medicine dietitian 
  • Access to our private community where you get support from 2 practitioners and get all your questions answered in the forum as you walk through the protocol.
  • Functional dietitian support for 3 months. 

Bloodwork – Interpreted from a functional medicine lens. 

🔬 Including ALL the thyroid labs (not just TSH). I order TEN thyroid markers to assess your thyroid status & interpret it for OPTIMAL levels. 

🔬 Including labs to show how your blood sugar levels are: many are prediabetic and/or have insulin resistance and have NO idea. Finding out early can help you heal before you’re in full blown diabetes.

🔬 Including labs that could help show if you might be dealing with heavy metals, mold, chronic viral infection & SO MUCH MORE.

🔬 Ever been told your labs are fine, but you don’t feel fine? I’m certified in blood chemistry and help people get to the root of their health issues or anything going on in their body when they’ve been told “your labs are normal” (when they’re not normal at all). 

🔬 You also get a video from me going over your personal results & interpretation with my custom recommendations for you based on your bloodwork and HTMA results.

*Plus cost of supplements (approx $225-$400 a month for 3 months)

 ***If you want to find your nearest lab draw location, click here:

****NY, NJ, and RI don’t work with this lab, so you either can’t do the VIP option or you would need to drive to a neighboring state to get yours drawn



Lori achieved this amazing result:

“The changes and improvements I am still experiencing were honestly monumental, including better energy, focus, sleep, digestion, consistent elimination, less pain and inflammation, to name a few. Kristen is a wealth of knowledge, yet keeps learning herself, and her passion to share all that knowledge comes through wholeheartedly in her desire to help every person she works with. I cannot say enough good things about Kristen and her Foundations program.”

Nikki achieved other amazing result:

"About a year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Through testing and a 10 month protocol with Kristen’s program and guidance I feel better now than I have in many, many years. This has been life changing for me!"

Kate achieved other amazing result:

"I learned so much about opening up drainage pathways and the importance of ridding my body of parasites during Kristen’s Foundations Program. It was so eye opening and helped me to eliminate allergies, lose unwanted weight, clear up my skin and sleep better! The knowledge I gained will be with me and utilized forever!?

This is for you if:

  • You're tired of feeling drained, sluggish, and dealing with skin and digestive problems.
  • You're seeking a long-term solution rather than temporary symptom relief.
  • You value understanding your body and the root cause of your health issues.
  • You're ready to commit to a structured, step-by-step program that empowers you with knowledge.
  • You see the benefit of community support and professional guidance from someone who's walked this path.

This isn't for you if:


  • You're looking for a quick fix for your health issues.
  • You're not prepared to invest time and effort into improving your health.
  • You're hesitant about exploring unconventional causes of health issues or making dietary/lifestyle adjustments.
  • You aren’t willing to make changes in your eating habits.
  • You're not ready to take responsibility for your health or work closely with a professional.
  • You aren’t ready to heal. Your identity is in your sickness.
  • You're uncomfortable engaging with an online learning platform or sharing your journey within a community
  • You are unable to swallow pills.
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Compare Options

Ready to achieve your goal? Choose the best option for you:

The Foundations Health Program PLUS is perfect for those seeking additional support. This package offers everything included in The Foundations Health Program, along with a personal touch.

*Plus the cost of supplements (approx $225-$400 a month for 3 months)


The Foundations Health Program Plus VIP is an all-encompassing option designed just for you. This VIP package includes everything in The Foundations Health Program Plus, extensive bloodwork, and a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test.

*Plus the cost of supplements (approx $225-$400 a month for 3 months)

JOIN FOR $3997

But wait, there's more… 

  • So much more than just addressing parasites; we address all aspects of FOUNDATIONAL health
  • 3 month foundational gut healing protocol
  • Private community for support
  • Supplement protocol, best nutrition practices for gut health, nervous system & stress support
  • 3 months of Biweekly Q&A Call with Kristen to get your questions answered
  • Education on how to:
    • keep your drainage pathways open
    • kill parasites (yes, everyone has them & they cause a host of symptoms
    • Consume the right minerals to keep your thyroid, blood sugar, stress levels, and hormones all at optimal levels, & so much more!

Ashley achieved this amazing result:

"If you are here, it is likely your health journey has looked a lot like mine. Symptom after symptom, doctor after doctor, unanswered questions, inconclusive tests and diagnosis. I started my health journey in my teens, though looking back it was most likely much earlier. In 2021 I was clinically diagnosed with Lupus. I thought, wow unfortunate, but at least I have a direction. I started on medications and found them to be wildly incompatible with my body. I prayed and prayed and felt the Lord tell me, stop everything, trust and wait on me, and I will bring you healing. 2021-2023 brought increased symptoms and extreme stress and fatigue. My doctors continued to disagree, and I found myself at a dead end. I was exhausted and thinking, "where do I go from here?". That's when I was introduced to Kristen. I went to her introductory Zoom meeting with encouragement from a close friend who had been through her program.  After hearing the science behind her road map to healing, I knew I was in the right place. I was not only impressed by her knowledge, but her prayerfulness and her faith filled approach to healing. After all we are more than just a body, but of mind and spirit as well. I started the "Foundations of Health Program" in 2023 and let me tell you, the lab results alone confirmed so many things my family and I had suspected for years and years. I received a customized plan to start my body healing, which I followed along with the "Foundations of Health Program". The program was hard. I struggled through the healing, I wanted to quit at times, but I found encouragement and support through Kristen and the Facebook group as well as my family. It was a safe space to ask questions and do more than just be treated but learn how to take care of myself and my family for years to come. It was an education not just a prescription. I was learning how to heal from the inside out and listen to my body. I still have a long journey ahead, but I have seen growth and improvement in my health just in the first 3 months of working with Kristen. Foundational improvements, such as sleep, digestion, stress reduction, mood, and mental health. I am moving on to her "Mold and Metals" program this month and I am excited to see the healing I know God will continue to bring. I would recommend this program to those who are experiencing long term health concerns or just want to better their overall health. My husband has watched me throughout this journey and has seen the changes in me, it has encouraged him to make better health choices alongside me. We are grateful for the knowledge Kristen has brought to our family, and for her faith to let the Lord work His healing in the lives of others through her." 

- Ashley M.
One great thing about this program is COMMUNITY. What research and experience has shown us is that having a supportive network of people around you while making big health changes will help you have better outcomes. Not to mention you can bounce ideas off one another, recipes off one another, and be each other’s support system. And I will be there as your biggest cheerleader, guiding you every step of the way. That’s why I created this group program. You will have accountability plus me, a functional medicine practitioner, as your guide.

Hey y’all!

My name is Kristen Pardue.

As a Functional Medicine Dietitian, my calling is to help you dig deeper, to uncover the true reasons behind your health struggles, especially when it seems like others have given up on finding the answers.

I understand what it's like to feel trapped in a cycle of symptoms and medication. Just over a decade ago, I found myself in a similar situation. Doctors were quick to prescribe me drugs, but slow to seek the root of my health problems. Feeling lost and alone, I clung to a quiet conviction – a conviction guided by faith – that if I could unearth the root cause, my body could begin its natural healing process. I'm grateful to say that I did exactly that, and managed to free myself from strong anti-inflammatories and steroids. I emerged from the journey with a healed body and a renewed sense of purpose.

I’d love to walk this journey with you!


Join Today!


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